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Information for Parents


Regular attendance and promptness are so important to a child’s development and learning. It is essential that your child be in school every day unless he/she has an excused absence (sickness, illness or a death of immediate family member, approved emergency, or a religious observance). A written excuse from the parent/guardian should be given to the teacher on the day following the absence. Please note that School Board Policy now states, “After 15 days of absence, excused or unexcused, a student must have a doctor’s verification for all subsequent absences due to illness”. Please refer to the Student Conduct Code for detailed information on absences. *In order to receive the “PERFECT ATTENDANCE” Award at the end of the year, a student must have attended school every day. Students with excessive tardies will not be eligible for this award. *

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Cafeteria Information

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GENERAL: Should your child become sick while at school or has a temperature above normal, you will be contacted immediately. If it is necessary for a student to be administered medication during school hours, parents must sign a St. Johns Country medical form authorizing school personnel to administer medication. Please note that students should never have medications (prescription or over the counter) in their possession. HEAD LICE POLICY: St. Johns County has a “lice and nit free” policy. The school periodically checks the students for lice. If your child is found to have lice or nits, you will immediately be contacted. Once treated, your child may return to school, lice and nit free, the next day. Please note the Health Department is no longer writing clearances to return to school. Your private physician or the school can authorize re-admittance If you choose to have the school check your child, a parent must accompany the child to the school for the check (8:00 a.m. or after). Please do not send your child in on the bus, as you may have to take your child home if any lice or nits are found.

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VOICE MAIL Voice mail is available at Hartley Elementary School before 7:30 a.m. and after 3:45 p.m.. This service allows parents to access messages from their child’s teacher and to also leave messages. To use this service, simply call the school’s telephone line (547-8400). When the telephone is answered, you will hear a brief recording It will ask you for your teacher’s mailbox number (located on our Staff Page). Enter the number and you will hear the teacher’s message. You may also leave a message following the recording. CONFERENCES Our school improvement plan calls for two school-wide student/parent/teacher conference days. These conferences provide the opportunity for parents to review work, share concerns, and allow students to set goals for themselves. In addition to these two, other parent conferences are welcome. HARTLEY NEWSLETTER A newsletter, The Hartley Headlines, is emailed monthly. It will contain important information regarding happenings at our school.  CHANGE OF ADDRESS/TELEPHONE NUMBERS Please inform our computer operator, Robin Kelley, if you change your address or telephone number and turn in the documented proof of residency paperwork. The office needs updated information for emergencies and parent contact. We must have at least one contact in case of emergency.

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Daily Schedule

Kindergarten-First grade students report to the multi-purpose room Second-Fifth grade students report to cafeteria

7:55 School open to receive students
7:55 – 8:25 Students go to breakfast or directly to class, where they prepare for the school day.
8:25 School begins/Students are tardy after 8:25
1:45 Dismissal every Wednesday
2:45 Dismissal for all students

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Dress Code

Students perform better when appropriately dressed. Faculty and staff members will be available to give friendly guidance in these matters without embarrassment to the student.

A. Dress and personal appearance shall be reasonable. Hats/headgear, including bandanas, and revealing clothing, such as short shorts, tank tops, and bare midriffs are not appropriate for elementary students. Boys’ pants should be worn at the waist – no sagging.

B. Hartley adheres to the District’s Dress Policy (refer to the Code of Conduct). Please note that elementary students must wear shoes that have a back or strap on the heel. Closed-toed shoes are required for participation in recess and PE. Sneakers, tennis or running shoes are suggested. For safety reasons, heels are not appropriate.

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Parent Involvement

VOLUNTEERS: Hartley loves its volunteers and we are grateful for the many volunteers who assist in the classroom and in other areas of the school. All volunteers, including field trip chaperones, must complete a District Volunteer Form. Forms are valid for three years. Apply to volunteer here!

SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL: Hartley has an active School Advisory Council. Our council is made up of community members, parents. staff, and teachers. They meet monthly, after school (3:15 pm). Everyone is invited to attend.

PTO: Hartley has an active PTO. All parents and faculty/staff are encouraged to join the PTO and become active participants.

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Report Cards

REPORT CARDS are issued every nine weeks. Hartley uses the district provided report card. Report cards can be viewed in Home Access Center.

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For parents transporting students to and from school, please observe the following: 1. USE ONLY THE SOUTHERN MOST GATE DESIGNATED DROP-OFF AREA. THE BUS AREA (FRONT OF THE SCHOOL) IS RESERVED FOR BUS STUDENTS ONLY. 2. Parents, please remain in your car unless you are parking to come into the building. Students will be assisted to and from cars by our staff and patrols. Please do not park on residents’ property or on landscaped right-of-ways. 3. During heavy traffic periods, it would be very helpful for all vehicles to exit right onto Cacique Drive.

BUS REGULATIONS Riding a bus in St. Johns County is a privilege. Students are responsible to the driver and must obey rules of conduct. Bus drivers are authorized to issue warnings and discipline referrals for misbehavior on their buses. The warnings will be forwarded to the principal and parents will be notified. Hartley adheres to the St. Johns Code of Conduct for misbehavior on buses. Please refer to the Code of Conduct Book. Severe misbehavior or repeated minor offenses will result in suspension of riding privileges.

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