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Kids with Character Video on Fairness

Hello Hartley Families!

Just a reminder to send in those video clips of your child telling the world about fairness.  The few videos I’ve received have been excellent!

As you know, St. Johns County emphasizes the importance of good character traits.  We all strive to demonstrate these character traits here at Hartley. September’s character word of the month is “fairness.”

Here are some samples of fairness:

Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly

With these examples in mind, I would love to create a Hartley Kids of Character video for our website.  If you would like for your child to take part, send in a video clip from your smart phone (up to 15 seconds long) that somehow demonstrates “fairness.”  Perhaps your child could create a short role play that demonstrates fairness, or recite a poem they created, or tell us about a time they remember where they were treated fairly or unfairly and how it made them feel.  Perhaps they know an example in history that demonstrates the character trait of “fairness” and would like to share it on video.  I loved the examples that were sent in over the summer, so please be creative!

Send the videos to [email protected] and please put “fairness” in the subject line.  Video clips should be emailed to Mr. Gates by Sunday, September 21st.  Please feel free to send them early as I begin editing the video as soon as I get clips sent in!  Let’s show everyone how awesome and “fair” the students are here at Hartley Elementary!  If you have any questions, come see or call or email Mr. Gates!  Thanks!