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Calling all Hawk students, parents, and teachers!

The first day of school is just around the corner!  I’d love to create a video for our website that partially captures that magical feeling that comes with the beginning of the school year.  Using your smartphone or iPad, please send me a 3-5 second clip telling me what you are most excited about for the 2014-2015 year.  It can be funny, or sentimental, simple, or metaphorical. . . it is up to you!  You might miss your friends at school or your all-time favorite teacher.  Maybe you miss Ms. Taylor’s “Work hard, and be nice!” announcements, or Mr. Gates’ goofy antics.  Whatever you are most excited about, film it and be creative.  Jump, scream, laugh, do flips. . . I want a bunch of awesome 3-5 second clips!!  Obviously, I’d love to have mostly student videos, but would love some clips of parents and teachers as well!  (Exhausted parents with kids screaming in the background who can hardly wait for their kids to get to school. . . priceless!!)   Email the clips to Mr. Gates at [email protected]  and please put “Hartley Movie” in the subject line so I can easily find the clips!    You have until Saturday August 2nd to send me your 3-5 second clip, and the movie will debut on the Hartley website early next week!   Bring it Hawks!!!