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Last Night to Pledge Money for Boosterthon!

Hey Parents!

Thank you so much for supporting our team through the Fun Run! Our students have had a blast learning about FRIENDSHIP at Camp High Five! So far, we have learned that FRIENDS RESPECT OTHERS, FRIENDS DON’T BULLY, FRIENDS SHOUT OUT STRENGTHS, and FRIENDS STICK TOGETHER! As you know, the Fun Run is our only major fundraiser of the year, and tonight is our last official night for pledges! Please continue to help us by connecting your students with sponsors who can pledge them for the Fun Run. Tonight’s challenge is for every student to ask at least 3 new sponsors to support our school! Visit tonight to enter your pledges and watch the Camp High Five character videos! Also, our Fun Run is tomorrow, and our team will be running at 9:00 (K,1,2, and safety patrol) and 10:15 (3,4, and 5)! We want to invite you to come celebrate with us and cheer on our incredible students!

Keep those pledges coming in!! It looks like Mr. Gates is running scared!!

Mr Gates Runs Away from Jesse Gates on Vimeo.