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September Newsletter/Boosterthon Update

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Hartley Families, 

We wanted to let you know that today is the LAST DAY FOR PLEDGES before the Fun Run! We want to finish our program strong, so please help Hartley Elementary raise funds for the computers and computer programs we need by connecting with one more sponsor tonight and logging it on

Also, you’re invited to the Fun Run! Come cheer on your child:

8:45am – K, 1st, 3rd

10:00am – 2nd, 4th, 5th


Attention 5th grade parents! In an effort to ramp up the experience for your students, we have given them a Color Party Challenge.  They have been working to raise $3,500 as a grade and if they do, we will celebrate with color powder after the Fun Run!  The color powder used at the party is food grade cornstarch and is 100% natural.  The color does mostly wash out after the event.  As with anything dirty, the sooner you wash it the better.  If you would like to preserve the color in your running shirt, spray it with vinegar and iron it.  If you wash your shirt, the color will eventually come out. We recommend all the students bring beach towels on the day of the run. 

Again, thank you so much for everything you do for Hartley Elementary. We are so excited to celebrate your our students tomorrow!

Keep those pledges coming to Hartley!!  We are very close to the goal of $40,000 and every little bit helps.  Ms. Taylor is so worried she will have to kiss a pig tomorrow!!